About Us

We are a personalised education accelerated learning school, experienced PhD and MOE teachers and educational psychologists.

Our students advance really fast, usually 1 level in 2-4 months. Proven results, Singapore Record tuition centre, thousands of happy parents.

Just imagine. Your child:

  • is a leader in mathematics in his class and is a legend at his school (if you choose our Fast Track Program),
  • learns very fast (using 5 Steps System™, proprietary teaching and psychological techniques),
  • learns how to study independently almost without teachers’ or parents’ help
  • feels unique and confident,
  • saves a lot of time for other activities,
  • saves your nerves.

And all that in just 2-4 months. Yes, it’s absolutely real.

Our Mission: To cultivate creative and life-long learning leaders by developing and implementing advanced educational programs and teaching methods enabling students to master knowledge and skills in the fastest possible and inspiring way.

Our Vision: To create a global educational system based on cutting-edge educational technologies providing every student with the fastest and fascinating individual way to achieve his educational goals.

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